Wednesday, 30 September 2009

Day 3 Blog Entry From Angela (Production Assistant)

Hello everyone!

Today has been a really good day for the ensemble!
We have had three days of rehearsals so far and the ensemble is already sounding and looking amazing. Well done guys!

The energy and the excitement that every single person projects is very powerful and inspiring to me and that's why today I decided to interview two ensemble students: Henriette and Lee.

Henriette is a third year Popular Music Student. She was part of the ensemble last year and found the whole experience unique. Today she said that there are quite a few differences this year : "There are more people for a start, especially tenors but that is always good! Also the choreography is different which can be very confusing, but the good thing is that we have the whole week of rehearsals so we don't forget anything!".

I also ask Henriette what her favorite song is and she answers that she has more than one, she takes some time to think because she seems to love all the songs and in the end she says: 'It's really difficult to choose one and we haven't gone through every song yet but I can say that my favorite so far are 'Breathe' and 'Battery' because they are both such powerful songs and the harmonies are really interesting!'.
Thank you Henriette for being so helpful and to have dedicated your break to my small interview.

After interviewing Henriette who had experienced the ensemble last year, I was interested to ask some questions to first year Goldsmiths student: Lee Burnett.

Lee has just joined the ensemble this year. Lee is a guitarist and never sang in a choir before! I asked him what he thinks about the ensemble: "I think it's brilliant! It gives the opportunity to everyone to sing without being under the spotlight alone. I've never done anything like it before!''.

I also asked him what he expects to gain at the end of the Vocal Group experience and he says: "Three or four things: To get to know all the students from all three years, learn about how a choir functions and getting over the fear of singing in front of people. I also hope understand how the conductors work, how they approach each section of the choir.  It would be very interesting and useful for me to learn these things because I want to become a teacher. The enthusiasm that conductor Alice puts in each song is great, this makes us want to do better... we don't want to disappoint her you know!".

Thank you Lee for sharing your thoughts with me. He's such a nice guy!

It seems to me that everyone is so enthusiastic and very much involved with the whole project and this makes me feel so happy!
All in all it has been a very busy day. It has been challenging making sure that all the props were at the right places at the right times but I had my favorite guys to help me out! Thank you!

Keep up the good work ;-)
This is all for today, now I'm going to rest for another full day tomorrow!


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