Saturday, 17 October 2009

Summary Of Week 3 - By Karolin

Karolin photographed in rehearsal

This is what happened this week...

Tuesday's rehearsal was in the great hall which is always exciting in itself. A big room, a big stage... will it be the same at the Barbican?
Sadly we are getting less and less (in terms of people) at the moment, partly because of flu, partly because... well no one really knows.
This is such an opportunity, come on people get lazy... This is something we've built up together over the last few weeks so come, comm... commitment!

On a more positive note the rehearsal was good. Although it can get a tiny bit boring to go over the movements and lines over and over again it proved well worth as it was actually me who did it wrong in the end... oops!

On Wednesday Matthew visited again and gave one of his amazing speeches that makes you just want to stand up and say 'Yes, I totally agree with you... let's change something...', but what? ...Let's start small and sing in the choir... Then Cathy form The British Council came and watched us for a bit  as well as talking to us a bit about the BC again. Explaining what amazing work they do all over the planet, trying to work against facism, debarment, anti-social behavior and so on and so forth... to be just a tiny part of this feel's actually great!

The rehearsal went really well and all new comers pick up fast and mostly without comment which is amazing and I think a relief for Joe and Alice who are doing their best to keep the group together... we very much appreciate your work guys. Again great job and great fun!



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